I'm New
You are invited to join us for Worship on Sunday, or our service on prayer & preaching on Wednesday! 

Here are 5 simple steps to your first visit: 

1. Choose a Worship Service:

  • Sundays at 8:00 am (Divine Service) 

  • Sundays at 10:30 am (Divine Service) 

  • Wednesdays at 2:00 pm (30 min Service of Prayer & Preaching, followed by 30 min Bible study) 

2. Map It 
Zion is conveniently located one mile south of the Bridgeville exit of interstate 79. 
Address: 3197 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, PA 15017. 

3. Arrival 
Enter Zion at the main entrance (near our distinctive concrete cross) OR enter at the side entrance (marked entrance #2) which is connected to our main parking lot and is handicapped accessible. 

4. Grab a Service Bulletin and Join In 
Bulletins are available on the tables near each entrance. They will guide you during our traditional worship service, and offer information about what's happening in our congregation. (Preview the latest bulletin)

5. Learn More About Zion 
Before or after the Worship Service, stop at our Welcome Table near the main front entrance and pick up an "About Zion" packet. Our Welcome Table attendant, our Pastor and our Elders are available to answer any questions you may have about our congregation. 

Questions Before your Visit? 

What happens during worship service? 
The purpose of attending a church service is to be "served" by Jesus Christ through the Word (bible) and Sacrament (Holy Communion). Our Sunday services have a traditional Order of Service that includes bible readings, liturgy elements, sermon, hymns, prayer and holy communion. The liturgy is simply the proclamation of the Gospel and the congregation's response, done in various ways throughout the service. Lutheran liturgy has been passed down from the early church and is an important component of our worship. (link to the "Worship Style/Liturgy" page that comes later in this document). 

What do people wear to Worship? 
There is no dress code at Zion; members and guests can be seen in a range of clothing during Worship. Anything from casual pants and shirts, to more formal attire, is welcome. The only general guildeline is that the attire and demeanor of worshippers reflect the respect and honor owed to God in His house. 

Are children welcome in the Worship Service? 
Yes, children are welcome in Worship, and encouraged to participate in their own way! We believe families should worship together because the most important people influencing the faith formation of children are parents and grandparents. One of the key ways children learn about God is by watching their parents participate in worship. 

If you have a young child and need to leave the sanctuary during service, please know that it is perfectly ok. You will find a Family Care Room with a changing table and supplies in the Narthex near the front entrance of the church (please note, however, this room is not soundproof). Our Nursery is in the lower level of the church in Room #101 near the Fellowship Hall and is equipped with rockers, a changing station, and toys for your use. Here the service is broadcast over speakers so you won't miss the weekly message.