Vacation Bible School 
Zion Lutheran Church, Bridgeville, PA 
July 7-11, 2025 – 9:00-11:30 
Ages: 4 years old (prior to 9/1/25) through 4th grade 

FREE! 😊😊 
At “Epic Australian Adventure” Vacation Bible School, kids will learn how Jesus calls, leads, teaches, saves, and sends us to share the Good News with others through five exciting Old & New Testament stories that trace God’s epic plan of salvation. Jesus is our Savior and faithful guide, who shows us the right way to go and guides us on the path of truth that leads to eternal life. 

Program Details 

  • VBS kids will be organized into either early childhood or elementary crews. Each crew will have 6-10 children per crew and two crew leaders. 

  • We'll enjoy Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks and lively music as we celebrate God’s gifts. 

Registration Details (DEADLINE 6/8) 

  • Complete the online REGISTRATION FORM (one per each child in a family) no later than Sunday, June 8th. 

  • VBS is FREE … no fees to attend! 

  • In order to ensure the best VBS experience for all children, the number of “crews” is limited, so be sure to register early to reserve your spot. 

Visit Zion’s website at for important information. Questions??? Contact Deaconess Joanna Lee, VBS Asst. Director at 412-221-4776 ext. 204 or, OR Susie Bishop, Reg. Coordinator, at 412-221-4776, ext. 203 or

Download a PDF of the above information


VBS 2025: Epic Australian Adventure ... an unforgettable journey with Jesus

Vacation Bible School 2025 is Monday July 7th through Friday July 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 

We hope you can join us in the Australian outback! Volunteers are needed.

Volunteer Opportunities:
There are lots of opportunities to help in hands-on roles with kids, and with behind-the-scenes tasks!  Volunteer all five days, or less to fit your schedule. 
Use the VOLUNTEER NOW button below to help

Preview video of this years VBS theme!